We live in an age where there is always a lens being pointed at something and sometimes that includes the camera being pointed at our adventures, here are a few of our adventures with many more found at our YouTube channel, join us as we adventure around Scotland and beyond!

Hiking Adventures: Scottish winter hike up Schiehallion with ASKadventurer and The GingaNinja

Running Adventures: racing the Winter Wipeout from Cold Brew Events

Running Adventures: cani-x with Io, the Picardy Spaniel

Cycling Adventures: on the Weeride with ASKadventurer

Running Adventures: in the Falkirk mudflats – don’t do this!

Hiking Adventures: wandering in the Ochils, Ben Cluech & Andrew Gannel

Adventures: finding little secret Scottish locations in the Ochils

Paddling Adventures: Avon Lagoon for some triathlon training

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really (not) a runner

rambling about my running journey

Adventures With My Shoes

Random write-ups of races and adventures

Trot Thoughts

What to do if you see a naked man, and other mildly helpful tips for runners.

Pyllon - ultra runner

Seeking asylum in the hills & transcendence on the trails



The Runtron Diaries

Running. Cake. Random.

Gabrielle Outdoors

Journeys of a varying kind


An introduction to ultra running

Running on Full

Random thoughts, used to be about running


Rule 11: When the job's done, walk away

Bearded bimbler

A runner, a hiker and a bearded man

Inadvertent Mooning

Observations from the Grumpy side of UltraRunning

The Unprofessional Ultra Runner

My attempt to crack some serious challenges in an unserious manner


“Life Is An Endurance Event”

rara's rules for living

Swim, bike, run, fun!

An academic in (running) tights

Blogs on education and running: My two passions

"Keep Running Mummy!"

Motherhood, marathons and more

Val's running blog

The trials and tribulations of a Jolly Jogger

be back in a bit, have biscuits ready

I like running, and feel the need to write about it